The missing link between OD and Project management: A hidden opportunity in today’s world of project management
Event Description
We are in the midst of a generational shift in how work is performed, where culture and process are driven by growth in information and knowledge work that mirrors the Industrial Revolution’s growth in energy availability and labour-based projects. The key to this shift in understanding how manifested power can constrain or unleash the culture in organizations. The traditional ‘power over’ approach must shift to one of ‘power with’ subordinates to provide what today’s employee needs to thrive. While PM and process have provided many effective tools to optimize projects, it is the addition of OD approaches that enable the organization to deliver value sustainably.
- This workshop will follow the 2022 BCODN AGM.
- 6:15 pm – BCODN AGM
- 7:00 pm – Workshop
In this session, we explore the range of power in organizations, the impacts on the resulting culture, and how to manage the relationship between the two to bring out the best in everyone in your organization.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify the existing gaps in traditional project management approaches
- Recognize how the different forms of power can impact the effectiveness of the resulting organizational culture
- Understand how much of what we are exposed to in project management and leadership practices can constrain creativity and innovation
- Identify specific changes to project management styles to achieve better outcomes for the team
- Jim Brosseau
- Samin Saadat
- Imaima Robert
- Leanne Kack Ritika Rana
Clarrus Consulting Group
We partnered with Clarrus because together we strongly believe in building teams and providing them with the skills and the support needed to deliver amazing project outcomes. Our approach promotes collaboration, trust, diversity, respect, inclusion and resilience to boost the hard skills you already have. We guide you in creating these elements for success in your leadership, in your teams and in your projects.
We would be delighted to have this opportunity with BCODN because we strongly believe that we all fulfill the same vision of creating thriving work environments by building supportive learning communities, as well as growing awareness of the value of Organizational Development within the various industries in BC. Therefore, it is part of our responsibility to empower each other and to share knowledge and experiences with our peers to ensure we, as OD consultants, shape the future workforce effectively and efficiently.